News &

Keeping you informed on the latest news at DePelchin and our community.

A little boy holding a megaphone and laughing

Read Our Recent Blogs

DePelchin pilot will serve families after CPS investigations close

Major gift from Project Shine, Inc. will broaden DePelchin’s reach

Through kinship care, relatives and friends provide families for children

DePelchin School Supply Drive helps 1,000 children start the year right

A man reaching out for a hug from his son and a lady holding her daughter

When foster care is needed, aunts and uncles often step in

A child giving their mother a high five

Meeting the mental health needs of diverse communities

Three kids with new backpacks

Help give DePelchin families the school supplies they need

A lady being hugged and kissed by two little boys

Celebrating the reunification of families

DePelchin Children’s Center Celebrates Pride Month

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