

A teenager standing with his arms crossed


DePelchin’s Transitioning to Adulthood through Guidance and Support (TAGS) Program seeks to provide a safe, stable environment for homeless young adults, ages 18-22, who have aged out of the child welfare system. In addition to offering temporary residence, the TAGS Program provides youths the opportunities, knowledge and skills necessary to mature into productive, responsible adults capable of becoming independent.

A group of teenagers
A pregnant lady holding her belly
Icon of a little hand touching a big hand

Pregnant and Parenting Teen and Transitional Living Programs

DePelchin Children’s Center offers a Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program and Residential Treatment Program for older youth aging out of foster care.

Our programs at Today’s Harbor, a DePelchin Children’s Center Campus, are intended to create a holistic approach to caring for at- risk youths while providing a safe and nurturing environment for everyone receiving services.

Our approach is based on education, individualized case management, mental health, wellness, and preparation for living independently.